Friday, May 2, 2008

High Speed Hosting Service provider In NV, USA - ServerSea Hosting, Ltd.

ServerSea Hosting, Ltd is a Hosting service provider Company in Nevada USA.

ServerSea's product design has consumed over 100 man-years of work and accelerated beta testing is equal to a five year continuous testing. This has yielded an unbeatable product backed by an unbeatable business philosophy: deliver FREE all the features and services required to place professional quality web pages on our servers. ServerSea is proud that this formula has helped its clients increase their sales to levels beyond their expectations making us one of the fastest growing hosting companies.

ServerSea guarantees 99.5% up time, 24/7/365 monitoring and support; a fast and redundant connection; a generous share of space and bandwidth. All their machines run the latest versions of RedHat Linux or Microsoft Windows. ServerSea's latest Intel XEON hardware, Cisco Systems Firewalls, Load-Balancers, and Layer 3 Switches ensure that client get high speed and uninterrupted uptime.

Hosting Plans:

Bronze Plan
Silver Plan
Gold Plan
Platinum Plan
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Reseller Hosting
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Contact Details:

ServerSea Hosting, Ltd.
297 Kingsbury Grade, Suite D
Lake Tahoe (Stateline), NV 89449, USA.


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